I honestly was a little bit confused with the standardization with Education on a global scale, so I will be discussing health care.
There has been a transition from International Health Governance to Global Health Governance. The IHG has this sort of individual country mindset and it had the tendency to exclude some people.
The GHG, however tries to have a global mindset (hence the name change to global) causing it to be more inclusive, but in turn it has the tendency to be vague.
The downside to this new global health mindset comes in four parts.
- The first one is that globalization causes a greater health risk world wide. If I contract some misterious disease in Istanbul, for example, I may not show signs of the disease until after I get home, even maybe weeks later. That means that I may not have only spread it to the people in the airport, in the airplane, but I may have even infected people where I live.
- This also causes a higher previlance of non-government organizations. This means that these companies have no governemental backing and it is hard for governments to control them. This occurence may even weaken governmental power. Since these organizations are spread out all over the world, it is hard for a country to step up and make them change.
- Having global health mind set may also cause a worsening in socioeconomic, political and environmental problems. Again, because these organizations have such an overarching power, it may be hard for individual countires to fix their issues.
- Lastly, it would cause a decrease in the ability for countires to tackle world-wide healthcare challenge. Having so many coutries involved with this issues and so interconnected, it may be hard for countires to reach the standards that more well-off countires have set out for them.
To be honest, you could almost call me person that is almost anti-globalization. The problem that I have with globalization is that it makes it so easy to spread to disease. Like I said earlier, I took a trip to another country, it would be so easy to spread diseases. This is happenig right now with Ebola. It is not rampent world wide, but if there is one misstep in prevention, there could be a catastropie.
Although, one good thing about this is that there are organizatios like Doctors Without Boarders. Without them, a lot of people would have not gotten medical care. The link below is a map of where there have their locations. (I tried to find a map on google images, but this is a little bit more interactive.)
I also referenced ebola in my blog for this week. I feel like organizations like Doctors without Borders are the kinds of things that we need as well, but the world seems to place a lot of other problems before any type of world wide health care. It's a good thing that some people have the means and the desire to do good for the world and not wait for their nations to get on board before getting out there and helping those who need it most.